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My Quiet Place

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I wake each morning with you in my thoughts
I cannot escape this feeling I have inside.
You are there as if it were the day you were born.
It's like a perfect circle in the center of my heart.
The joy, the happiness you brought into my life.

One day my life changed, now it is filled with memories.
The perfect circle in the center of my heart is now a hole that can never be closed
It feels like an opened window, and there is no Sun shining through.
Some days it feels like a cold breeze is blowing through.
Most everyday it's like a Heavy Thunderstorm with hail, and heavy winds
and lightning that strikes anytime of the day or night.

That bolt of lightning really hurts.
The sadness is, that hole, that perfect circle is opened and will never be closed again.
My life will never be complete without you.
My only hope, and I do believe God will reunite us again.
But when the Thunderstorm is heavy, and the lightning strikes,
it truly hurts when I think of my life with you is over.

For you see, when God brings me home to you my Son,
you will not remember me as you did here on Earth.
There will be a love between us, but only a love everyone in Heaven Shares.
So you see, I feel I have lost you, my Son, but not forever.
I think what it will be like in Heaven with you, it scares me so.
Because I know in my heart that the window will never close.

So, till the day that I die.
I will have that Thunderstorm in my heart forever and always.
The circle in my heart gets even larger, and the Thunderstorm
even louder knowing you will never again share your life with me here on
Earth, and how much I truly love and miss you.


In Loving Memory
Of My Son "Trey"
We Will Always Love You

Written By: Linda L H. Cooke
February 25, 1995
As Published by: The National Library of Poetry
Famous Poet Society

Copyrights to Poetry
Web Page By:
Linda L. Cooke-Bragg
September 10th, 2002




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